1st group meeting: Rules for Healthy Sleep I

Welcome, getting to know each other, information on sleep and sleep disorders, information on sleep hygiene

2nd group meeting: Rules for Healthy Sleep II

Favourable sleeping habits (stimulus control), information on rituals to fall asleep

3rd group meeting: Psychological and Physical Relaxation

Progressive muscle relaxation using the method by Jacobson

4th group meeting: Mental Relaxation and Control

Mental images to calm down, guided visualisation Dealing with thoughts and expectations keeping you awake Dealing with negative thoughts and expectations towards sleep

5th group meeting: Light and Activity

Meaning of light and activity for the sleep-wake rhythm

Activation week: light therapy in the morning for five consecutive days followed by group activities (e.g. Nordic Walking, gymnastics, visits to museums, guided city tours, dance therapy)

6th group meeting: Final Meeting

Evaluation of current progress and setbacks Prevention: How will I deal with spells of sleeplessness in the future?